Ultimate Edition 3.1

Ultimate Edition 3.1

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Ultimate Edition 2.4

There is more then 2 ways to work with the Audio on this

1- Pulse Audio.
2- Alsa Mixer.
3- Pulse Audio+Alsa Together on the same session


8732760a7d021879c26a9a8d73cc79da ultimate-edition-2.4-x64.iso

f666c59377e69b541743a4fb4f35aa52 ultimate-edition-2.4-x86.iso



Download: Unixheads Mirror

Australia Server

Ultimate Edition 2.4 32 Bit Version:

Ultimate Edition 2.4 64 Bit Version:

Mirror server

Mirror server
ftp://linux@2blog.info:linux@2blog.co.z ... .4-x64.iso
ftp://linux@2blog.info:linux@2blog.co.z ... .4-x86.iso

x64 Torrent - Please seed!!!!

Big congratulation to - blackwolf FOR new Australian Forum ;)

Friday, November 6, 2009

Ultimate Edition 2.4 Work in progress

From - TheeMahn

Yes, I have been building Ultimate Edition 2.4; it is based on Ubuntu Karmic Koala 9.10. I am running it as a matter of fact. It was built off a daily build of 9.10. The final release of Ultimate Edition 2.4 will be re-built off a final of Karmic. This is just a screencast to get the juices flowing. It is lightning fast especially where booting is concerned. I have also developed a Ultimate Edition 2.4 theme pack (2.4.5), unreleased to the public currently. The theme pack will install in Ubuntu Karmic as I am doing in the screencast below on a raw copy of Karmic in a virtual machine.

Ultimate Edition 2.4 Theme pack (2.4.5):

  • 4 GTK2 Themes
  • 2 Usplash’s x86 / x64 (autodetects architecture)
  • 4 Amarok Themes
  • 13 Wallpapers
  • Cairo clock theme (optional)
  • 6 Compiz cubecaps
  • 1 Skydome
  • 1 Xsplash (karmic+ based distros)
  • 4 Emerald themes
  • 1 TTF font
  • 2 GDM Themes (currently only in Jaunty or below)
  • 1 Icon theme (~15,000 icons)
  • 1 Sound theme

All is subject to change before final release. The default wallpaper changes color depending on time of day. This theme pack will be pre-installed in Ultimate Edition 2.4 when released. True work for me begins in 2 days. Just trying to make sure you ladies and gents don’t think I am screwing off over here ;) Sorry about the choppiness in the beginning of the video I am no longer running 2 video cards.

Youtube HD
Local server: 1680 X 1050, higher then HD ogv (linux) format ;)
Local server: 1280I AVI format (windows users)

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Thursday, November 5, 2009

Ultimate Edition USB Style...

Ultimate Edition USB Style...

Postby TheeMahn » Thu Sep 25, 2008 3:19 pm

I have modified a version of unetbootin (great program btw, released GPL). There is both a linux version as well as Windows version available. The download here is different then what is available on their website; please read on.

What it will do:

  • Build a USB installable / live version of Ultimate Edition 1.6 - Ultimate Edition 1.9 (both x86 & 64)
  • Optionally download it for you
  • Optionally persistent if you have set up the partitions on the thumb drive (see troubleshooting section for more info)
  • Optionally create a Live edition that runs from a partition (not currently recommended)
  • Boot other images (selecting custom images)

What it wont do:

  • Tie your shoes ;)


  • USB Thumbdrive (at least 2GB, 8GB for gamers)
  • Linux or windows
  • at least 2GB hard disk space (for downloading of the iso Image ~5GB for gamers)
  • Time
Getting started:

1. Download either the Linux (deb) version or Windows version.

Release Name: Linux unetbootin (Ultimate Edition style)
Version: 281
Release Size: 3.5 MB (3,673,454 bytes)
Download: Download

Release Name: Windows unetbootin (Ultimate Edition style)
Version: 281
Release Size: 3.9 MB (4,060,148 bytes)
Download: Download

For those concerned I also provide the source...

Installation unetbootin (Ultimate Edition style):
install.<span class=

<span class=
Requires mtools the deb will automatically grab it for you.

Using the tool:
<span class=
Firing it up

<span class=
Distro Selection (optionally you can select an ISO you have already downloaded)

<span class=
Downloading the distro for you

<span class=
Injecting the USB drive (sorry no Ultimate Edition 2.0 available yet ;)

<span class=

1. Download the tool (link above)

2. Extract and execute

1.<span class=
Select USB drive and distro

2.<span class=
Downloading Ultimate Edition 1.9 x86

3. The rest is the same as above (linux how to)...

Using the Thumbdrive:

1. Reboot the computer
2. Go into the bios select your USB drive as boot device (some mainboards such as mine allow hitting of F11 key to show a boot selection menu - keys very)
3. Reboot the computer and enjoy...


Some USB thumbdrives have problems with the MBR (Master Boot Record) being recognised... The Solution:
Type or Copy&Paste the following into a Terminal Screen:
sudo apt-get install lilo

WARNING: Do not use lilo to replace your grub on your hard disk.

Type or Copy&Paste the following into a Terminal Screen:
sudo lilo -M /dev/sdx (replacing x with the letter of your flash device)

References & further reading (including covering USB persistent).

Enjoy Ultimate Edition Thumb style,

Last edited by TheeMahn on Wed Nov 19, 2008 6:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Moved to how tos

Monday, November 2, 2009

Ultimate Edition HOW TOs

Are you new to Ultimate Edition? Do you need a little guidance with the installation, setup or configuration of some application or feature? Experiencing a problem with some part of your Ultimate Edition installation?
Come visit the Ultimate Edition Forums and check out our HOW TOs section. Lots of good information from the creator of Ultimate Edition, Thee Mahn, the Administrators and Moderators of the forum, and from Users such as yourself.
Just click the following Link - http://forumubuntusoftware.info/viewforum.php?f=7 and explore the HOW TOs - you will find lots of information covering most issues and questions regarding Ultimate Edition.

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HOW TO configure FireFox

Hello everyone.

This HOW TO will help you configure the FireFox browser. BTW- I would suggest you NOT install the newest FireFox Upgrade at this time. Sometimes the newest version is a little "Buggy" until the users have had a chance to report the shortcomings and the corrections to be included in the normal update cycle.

Here is a step by step HOW TO for the configuration of FireFox.
All you have to do is follow the screen shots and make the selections shown. You might want to make some changes - such as the location to which the Downloads are saved, or your Home Page, etc.. These screen shots cover the most common configuration options, so get busy and configure FireFox to your liking!

By the way, a few of my favorite Add-Ons for FireFox are:

- this Add-On allows YOU to control which sites are allowed to execute Scripts in your Browser! See http://noscript.net/ for more information on this excellent utility.

Adblock Plus - Blocks Popup adds! See http://adblockplus.org/en/ for more about this utility.

XMarks - Synchronize all your Bookmarks, and even your "Saved Passwords" to all computers running Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Safari (Mac OS). See http://www.xmarks.com/ for more information.

DownThemAll - An excellent Download Manager capable of multiple simultaneous Downloads! See http://www.downthemall.net/

Good luck to you ALL with the Guide.

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HOW TO protect against deleting files.

What is safe-rm?

Safe-rm is a safety tool intended to prevent the accidental deletion of important files by replacing /usr/bin/rm with a wrapper, which checks the given arguments against a configurable blacklist of files and directories that should never be removed.

Users who attempt to delete one of these protected files or directories will not be able to do so and will be shown a warning message instead - for example:

$ rm -rf /usr
Skipping /usr

(Protected paths can be set both at the site and user levels.)

Recovering important files you deleted by mistake can be quite hard. Protect yourself today by installing safe-rm and reduce the likelihood that you will need to contact a data recovery service!

Installation is simple and easy:

1: Download the package safe-rm-0.8.tar.gz from the following link:

2: Use the command which rm to determine the current location of the original rm command:
which rm

3: As you can see, this returned the path to the rm command as:

4: Now we need to un-archive this package with the following commands:
cd /usr/home/texasmike/Downloads (or the directory where safe-rm-0.8.tar.gz is saved)
tar -xvpf safe-rm-0.8.tar.gz

This will create the Directory safe-rm-0.8 within the current directory, and extract the files into that directory.

5: Copy/move the /usr/bin/rm original file to an alternate name for backup purposes.
sudo mv /usr/bin/rm /usr/bin/rm-original

6: Now copy/move the new safe-rm to the /usr/bin/ directory and rename to rm :
sudo mv /home/texasmike/Downloads/safe-rm-0.8/safe-rm /usr/bin/rm
(Use the appropriate path for the location of the extracted safe-rm file)

You will now be using the new safe-rm package when removing/deleting files by simply typing the command rm filename.

Once you have installed safe-rm on your system (look in the safe-rm-0.8 directory for the INSTALL file), you will need to fill the system-wide or user-specific blacklists with the paths that you'd like to protect against accidental deletion.

The system-wide blacklist lives in /etc/safe-rm.conf and you should probably add
paths like these:


The user-specific blacklist lives in ~/.safe-rm and could include things like:


This will keep you safe when deleting files and/or folders, knowing you can not make an error and cause damage to the operating system.

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HOW TO compile the kernel

Download the latest source code of the kernel can be downloaded here vanilla.

cd /usr/src

sudo apt-get install linux-source-$(uname -r)

cd linux-source-$(uname -r)

Now Step 1: configuration

Well there's all sorts of tools but if you are already on the console then the end
Configure Mac can do but then answer the many questions and all sorts of tools
Have a good visual tool based on terminal configuration ncurses package should then be installed to work with ... You can check installed libncurses5 ... I think that's the name of the package:
"make menuconfig"

You can use the other already made changes and add it goes like this:
Or it is located in / proc / config.gz but it ubuntu So that in / boot
Then copy it to the place we're in.

sudo cp /boot/config-$(uname -r) .config

Every time I records the uname-r kernel version this number.

Now we run:

sudo make menuconfig

Down can load our file configoration. Config

Now you can make changes to what starred Mkomfl into the kernel source code
What is selected in kernel module M Mkomfl
And whatever Mkomfl not marked at all.

Step 0.5

Paste the patch's
patch's kernel with the extension of pfile.patch infect code like this:
Spread 'should be in compiling the library or elsewhere;

sudo patch -p1 <>

Bz2 extension instance

bzcat file.patch.bz2 | patch -p1

There are all sorts of tools that whoever deals with it regularly saving time should recognise some commands.
For instance you could deploy the bzip file with another command, then you can use that allows
All these operations into one command.

Do not forget to check Distribute Jim appropriate kernel version which infect them ...
Otherwise Hkimfol can be detained in the middle with all sorts of strange error messages ...
If anyone knows how to turn off this option will continue despite the mistakes Hkimfol ignoring several versions tell me.

Step 2 - Update Makefile file

Yes it has to Ubuntu and any distributions. Ubuntu has a package called Linux-restricted-module
She has invented its own version number ... To screen card drivers and all those working Snkmfl new kernel without having to compile this package again (only to change her name and number version of the kernel we want to suppose that does not exist reservoirs) date in November 2008 can open the file Makefile and add sub-version is the number The next version after version 2.6.20-22 kernel Suppose
So 22 is the sub version of this. Must write the sub version of the kernel for Komfl Linux-restricted-module. Line where it says EXTRAVERSION =
Then EXTRAVERSION = 22 for example.
Example when it is necessary:
Suppose I installed the 2.6.27 kernel and it does not exist and reservoirs of ubuntu configuration file located at the Boot and kernel 2.6.16-22. Restricted Mkomfl module for this kernel
So he also works for 2.6.27 to get him the number 22 comes after the kernel version number of the previous value of extraversion

Cleaning of make ...
Well you make not just doing the usual way because it's Ubuntu idea is to create a Debian kernel package
Setup Manager automatically installs like any software package in ubuntu.
The idea is to create a distribution that matches the installation package will be installed automatically with the Package Manager.
To create the installation package of the kernel this way Ubuntu should download the package kernel-package.
She brings the tool that does make the road creates the possibility to create an installation package of creating kernel.

Well I wrote this whole story comes down to rows:

sudo apt-get install kernel-package

Tools in question:

sudo make-kpkg clean

Step 4 - Hkimfol

Summarize it this way:

sudo make-kpkg --initrd --append-to-version=-SomeStringsHere kernel-image kernel-headers

It's a library off .. / DEB packages for the version you install both a click
If you already terminal then to the end:
It saves just edit the grub and add the link

sudo dpgk -i linux-image-???-SomeStringHere.deb

Good luck to you.

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Ultimate Edition 2.3 Gamers has been released

Ultimate Edition 2.3 Gamers has the following games pre-installed:

Play on Linux included in this distro, which allows playing of windows games in a nearly seamless manner. Many additional Linux games available though Ultamatix tool also included in the distro. It uses the Ultimate Edition 2.4 theme pack, but is Jaunty based.

  • 3D chess
  • Airstrike
  • Aisleriot Solitaire
  • Barrage
  • Blackjack
  • Boswars
  • Brutal Chess
  • BzFlag
  • Brutal Chess
  • Chess
  • Dream Chess
  • Five or more
  • Foo Billiard
  • Four-in-a-row
  • Freecell
  • Gbrainy
  • Glest
  • Gnometris
  • Gridwars
  • Hearts
  • Lango
  • Kslotski
  • Majongg
  • Mines
  • Nexuiz
  • Nibbles
  • Nimuh
  • Open Arena
  • Play On Linux
  • PokerTH
  • Robots
  • SameGnome
  • Sauerbraten
  • Snoballz
  • Suduku
  • Super Tux 2
  • Tali
  • Tetravex
  • Tremulous
  • Vetris
  • Warsow

Release Name
: Ultimate Edition 2.3 Gamers
Architecture: x86 (32bit)
Code base: Ultimate Edition 2.2 (Jaunty) upgraded
File size: 3.8 GB (4,049,158,144 bytes)
MD5SUM: dfed949027ff6c1702f3736e8ad2f2b6
Download: Torrent, MAIN, University of Maryland, Unixheads, Linuxfreedom, Germany, United Kingdom, Ultimate-Network, Australia Bigpond users.

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How to Install Adobe Flash Player 64-bit on Ultimate Edition X64

This is actually pretty easy to accomplish. Just click on the following link, download the appropriate version and follow the instructions...


Credit goes to www.softpedia.com

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